"Rock this town", The Brian Setzer Orchestra

Ja tardava en aparèixer un poc de Rock’n Roll. Aquesta cançó passa per ser una de les més mítiques del rockabilly contemporani. Bé, no sé si dir contemporani, Brian Setzer ja la tocava amb els Tomcats abans dels anys 80 per després recuperar-la i convertir-la en un mite amb els Stray Cats i el seu primer disc. Per suposat no podia faltar una adaptació amb The Brian Setzer Orchestra.
Personalment, repassant les composicions d’aquest madur rocker, anteposaria moltes altres cançons a aquesta. Però és que aquesta interpretació és supèrbia. Woodstock del 1999. La secció de vents es aclaparadora, deixen la resta d’instruments a un segon i sòlid pla en una introducció que s’acosta més a un swing a lo bèstia que a altra cosa. Després comencen a dibuixar-se les línies del rockabilly sobre les línies vocals i la cançó comença a emmotllar-se a la seva versió més primitiva mentre va obrint-se camí cap al protagonisme la Gretsch de Setzer. Impressionant com es maneja la guitarra l’home aquest. Al poc comencen lluir-se el contrabaixista i el bateria amb el beneplàcit de la resta de banda. M’encanta el solo de bateria. En donar-te compte ja han passat sis minuts i haguessis volgut que la cançó continués en una improvisació infinita.
Well, my baby and me went out late saturday night.
I had my hair piled high and my baby just looks so right.
Well, pick you up at ten got to have you home by two,
mama don't know what I've got in store for you
Well, that's alright 'cause we're looking as cool as can be.
Well, we found a little place that really didn't look half bad
I'll have a whiskey on the rocks and change of a dollar for the jukebox.
Well, I put a quarter right into that can, but all it played was disco man.
C'mon pretty baby, let's get outta here right away.
We're gonna rock this town, rock it inside out.
We're gonna rock this town, make 'm scream and shout.
Let's rock, rock, rock man rock, rock.
We're gonna rock till we pop, We're gonna roll till we drop.
We're gonna rock this town, rock it inside out.
Well, we're having a ball just bopping on the big dance floor.
Well, there's a real square cat he looks nineteen seventy four.
Well, you look at me once, you look at me twice,
you look at me again there's gonna be a fight.
We're gonna rock this town, we're gonna rip this place apart.
We're gonna rock this town, rock it inside out.
We're gonna rock this town, make 'm scream and shout.
Let's rock, rock, rock man rock, rock.
We're gonna rock till we pop, We're gonna roll till we drop.
We're gonna rock this town, rock this place apart.
We're gonna rock this town, rock it inside out.
We're gonna rock this town, make 'm scream and shout.
Let's rock, rock, rock man rock, rock.
We're gonna rock till we pop, We're gonna roll till we drop.
We're gonna rock this town, rock it inside out.
We're gonna rock this town, rock it inside out.
We're gonna rock this town, rock it inside out.
Personalment, repassant les composicions d’aquest madur rocker, anteposaria moltes altres cançons a aquesta. Però és que aquesta interpretació és supèrbia. Woodstock del 1999. La secció de vents es aclaparadora, deixen la resta d’instruments a un segon i sòlid pla en una introducció que s’acosta més a un swing a lo bèstia que a altra cosa. Després comencen a dibuixar-se les línies del rockabilly sobre les línies vocals i la cançó comença a emmotllar-se a la seva versió més primitiva mentre va obrint-se camí cap al protagonisme la Gretsch de Setzer. Impressionant com es maneja la guitarra l’home aquest. Al poc comencen lluir-se el contrabaixista i el bateria amb el beneplàcit de la resta de banda. M’encanta el solo de bateria. En donar-te compte ja han passat sis minuts i haguessis volgut que la cançó continués en una improvisació infinita.
Well, my baby and me went out late saturday night.
I had my hair piled high and my baby just looks so right.
Well, pick you up at ten got to have you home by two,
mama don't know what I've got in store for you
Well, that's alright 'cause we're looking as cool as can be.
Well, we found a little place that really didn't look half bad
I'll have a whiskey on the rocks and change of a dollar for the jukebox.
Well, I put a quarter right into that can, but all it played was disco man.
C'mon pretty baby, let's get outta here right away.
We're gonna rock this town, rock it inside out.
We're gonna rock this town, make 'm scream and shout.
Let's rock, rock, rock man rock, rock.
We're gonna rock till we pop, We're gonna roll till we drop.
We're gonna rock this town, rock it inside out.
Well, we're having a ball just bopping on the big dance floor.
Well, there's a real square cat he looks nineteen seventy four.
Well, you look at me once, you look at me twice,
you look at me again there's gonna be a fight.
We're gonna rock this town, we're gonna rip this place apart.
We're gonna rock this town, rock it inside out.
We're gonna rock this town, make 'm scream and shout.
Let's rock, rock, rock man rock, rock.
We're gonna rock till we pop, We're gonna roll till we drop.
We're gonna rock this town, rock this place apart.
We're gonna rock this town, rock it inside out.
We're gonna rock this town, make 'm scream and shout.
Let's rock, rock, rock man rock, rock.
We're gonna rock till we pop, We're gonna roll till we drop.
We're gonna rock this town, rock it inside out.
We're gonna rock this town, rock it inside out.
We're gonna rock this town, rock it inside out.
Etiquetes de comentaris: Música, Rock'n Roll, Stray Cats
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